Exercise in the MRI to probe cardiovascular disease
Exercise in the MRI to probe cardiovascular disease
Prof. Dr. M. Schär
Radiology and Radiological Science, Johns Hopkins University
Baltimore, MD, USA
Wednesday, 20 September 2023, 16:00
Clinically, MRI is mostly used to image anatomy. Imaging physiology and function promises unique, important and complimentary clinically-relevant information.
We currently perform two different exercise interventions to better understand disease mechanisms.
1) We perform isometric handgrip exercise, an endothelial dependent stressor, to non-invasively measure coronary artery endothelial dysfunction. In the first half of this presentation, I will talk about some of our recent findings and technical advances.
2) In the second part of the presentation I will focus on our plantar flexion exercise studies in combination with 31P phosphorus spectroscopy. Exercise intolerance in older frail people and in patients with heart failure remains poorly understood, and we use 31P to test the hypothesis that reduced skeletal muscle energy metabolism is closely related to exercise intolerance.
The lecture will be held in sitem-insel (Room O2.211), Freiburgstr. 3, Bern
For further info please contact: karin.zwygart@insel.ch