Introduction to Pulseq
A tool for MR pulse sequence development
Introduction to Pulseq
A tool for MR pulse sequence development
Kyungmin Nam, Msc
UMC Utrecht, Netherlands & Dept. of Neuroradiology, Inselspital
Wednesday, December 1 2022, 17:00
Each MRI vendor uses pulse sequence programming such as IDEA (SIEMENS), PPE (PHILIPS), EPIC (GE) and ParaVision (Bruker). Designing and developing the desired pulse sequence for researchers using thes programming languages requires considerable effort and time. Pulseq is a good tool to overcome these shortcomings and has the advantage of enabling pulse sequence compatibility between vendors. In this seminar, Kyungmin Nam (PhD student at UMC Utrecht, Netherlands) briefly introduces Pulseq and presents the results of the past three months through Pulseq. He will also tell you about its potential and limitations.
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