Nephrology, Hypertension and Clinical Pharmacology
The University Clinic of Nephrology and Hypertension is the leading and the only University Clinic in Switzerland that provides the complete spectrum of clinical nephrology and hypertension, and has research activities in basic and clinical research.
The institute hosts a multidisciplinary Center for Advanced Renal Imaging (CARI, Prof. B. Vogt, Prof. P. Vermathen, and Dr. Mani) where clinical nephrologists and hypertension specialists, , together with MR-physicists and radiologists, investigate new applications for advanced renal imaging. The CARI was among the first centers in the world studying BOLD-MRI in normal and disease kidney.
The focus of research is the development of clinical applications of functional MRI imaging for normal and disease kidney (in close collaboration with the AMSM; Prof. P. Vermathen) and the Department of Radiology (Prof. J. Heverhagen).
We aim to improve BOLD-MRI, diffusion MRI and perfusion MRI on 3T and 7T MRI, and 39K 7T MRI for normal and disease kidney and to bring functional MRI into clinical practice.
Center for Advanced Renal Imaging (CARI)
- Advanced Renal Imaging
- Functional renal MRI
- Preclinical Evaluation of MRI Techniques for the Kidneys
- Clinical Research on Kidney Physiology and Pathophysiology
- 39K 7T MRI in human for Kidney Physiology, Pathophysiology and Disease
Prof. Dr. med. Bruno Vogt (CARI)
Prof. Dr. Peter Vermathen